She has also suffered blurred vision for a few months and intermittent headaches for which she was referred to the ophthalmologist. She denied any chest pain or dyspnoea but has a significant smoking history.
Her SBP was 240 and a neurological examination has yet to be performed.
Rhythm: Sinus
Axis: Normal (SE)
- Normal (borderline short) PR, Narrow QRS, Normal QT
- ST Segments: STE in V1-3 ~2-3mm consistent with 'LV strain pattern' from abnormal replorisation in the context of LVH
- Symmetrical TWI in V4-6. Small TWI in I, II, aVF.
The only abnormal finding at this stage is LVH - how complications of these manifests as headache and blurred vision is not obvious.
A CTB was performed given the presentation and was suggestive of PRES (Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome)