Hiatus Hernia Repair 3 years ago
HR 70
BP 135/80
RR 20
Sat 98%RA
General Inspection: Thin build
Abdomen: mild epigastric tendernss, equivocal murphy's, palpable non-tender midline mass in the umbilical region
2 POCUS images are shown:
The second image shows a gallbladder with a very thick 10mm wall and a large impacted gallstone in the gallbladder neck
The remainder of the history and examination was more concerning for a hepatobiliary cause.
Given that the concern for a complication of the newly identified AAA was high, a CT Aortogram was performed. This did not show any features of a complicated AAA. It also confirmed the impacted gallstone. Bloods further confirmed that this was complicated by cholecystitis. The patient has also been referred to vascular outpatients for ongoing surveillance.